Manga Collection: 柔肌 (Yawahada)

Yawahada Cover

A collection of oneshots.


From Harumi Chihiro, the author of Velvet Kiss, comes the third collection of oneshots about love published in Rakuen magazine. Contains five works and three additional short stories containing everything from her characteristic beautiful linework to her depictions of the transient relationships between the sexes and her girls’ love stories, as well as her delicate, glittering portrayals.


  • Chapter 1: 「柔肌」 (“Yawahada”)

    Content warning: implied child abuse. Tamaki-san takes in Koko, her cousin fleeing from her absuive stepfather, but she herself feels guilty for also feeling desire towards Koko.

  • Chapter 2: 「柔肌 after」 (“Yawahada after”)

    A follow-up showing Tamaki and Koko’s daily life.

  • Chapter 3: 「たのしいからだ」 (“Tanoshii karada”)

    Sarami falls for the cool and proper Maihama, who has zero interest in her…especially because she’s promiscuous.

  • Chapter 4: 「ガールフレンド after」 (“Girl Friend after”)

    A follow-up chapter to the original oneshot.

  • Chapter 5: 「蓮の花【前編】」 (“Lotus Flower (First Part)”)

    Karin has an easy school life owing to her popular big brother, an amateur idol, but one girl in her class doesn’t even give her the time of day—the girl whose face she loves, Okazawa-san.

  • Chapter 6: 「蓮の花【後編】」 (“Lotus Flower (Second Part)”)

    After Karin’s brother is exposed online dating an idol, Karin has a falling out with her friends, and starts to get closer to Okazawa-san.

  • Chapter 7: “Film”

    Yae does his best to support his childhood friend, Kami, who is attached to her makeup, colored contacts, and bad boyfriends.

  • Chapter 8: 「夜をとめないで after2」 (“Don’t Stop the Night after2”)

    A second follow-up chapter to the original oneshot.

  • Chapter 9: 「いとほし」 (“Itohoshi”)

    Higashi-san takes on escort work in addition to her regular job. One client of hers simply wishes for her to put on a mourning dress and let him smell her…