Lyrics: 《绿色》by 陈雪凝 (English Translation)

by Rakka   Tags: lyrics chinese-pop

绿色 (“Green”)

Music video: YouTube

歌手:陈雪凝 Artist: Xuening CHEN

若不是你突然闯进我生活 If you hadn’t suddenly broken into my life 我怎会把死守的寂寞放任了 How could I have let go of the loneliness I held on to? (interlude) (verse 1) 说不痛苦那是假的 I said it didn’t hurt; that was a lie 毕竟我的心也是肉做的 After all, my heart is made of flesh too 你离开时我心里的彩虹 When you left, the rainbow in my heart 就变成灰色 Became grey (verse 2) 说不心酸那是假的 I said I didn’t feel sad; that was a lie 如果我真的没那么爱过 If I truly hadn’t loved you 爱着一个没有灵魂的人 Loved someone who didn’t have a soul 世界都是黑色 The world is all black (chorus) 若不是你突然闯进 我生活 If you hadn’t suddenly broken into my life 我怎会把死守的寂寞 放任了 How could I have let go of the loneliness I held on to? 爱我的话你都说 Words of love, you said them all 爱我的事你不做 Acts of love, you never did 我却把甜言蜜语当做你爱我的躯壳 I took sweet nothings as your love for me 你的悲伤难过我不参破 I couldn’t break through your sadness 我也会把曾经的且过 当施舍 I’ll treat the past as alms 不去计较你太多 I won’t fuss over you too much 从此你在我心里 From then on in my heart 只剩绿色 Is left only green (verse 3) 说很快活那是假的 Said happy words, those were lies 你的名字依然那么深刻 Your name is still profound 每个字都刺穿我的心脏 Each word pierces my heart 那鲜明的痛是红色 That distinctive pain is red (chorus) 呼~ Oooh…~ (chorus 2) 若不是你突然闯进 我生活 If you hadn’t suddenly broken into my life 我怎会把死守的寂寞 放任了 How could I have let go of the loneliness I held on to? 爱我的话你都说 Words of love, you said them all 爱我的事你不做 Acts of love, you never did 我却把甜言蜜语当做你爱我的躯壳 I took sweet nothings as your love for me (repeat chorus 2; then slowly fades out) 你的悲伤难过我不参破 I couldn’t break through your sadness 我也会把曾经的且过 当施舍 I’ll treat the past as alms 若不是你突然闯进 我生活 If you hadn’t suddenly broken into my life 我怎会把死守的寂寞 放任了 How could I have let go of the loneliness I held on to? 爱我的话你都说 Words of love, you said them all 爱我的事你不做 Acts of love, you never did 我却把甜言蜜语当做你爱我的躯壳 I took sweet nothings as your love for me