Lyrics: 《风停了雨停了我们还拥抱着》 (“The Wind And Rain Have Stopped, And We’re Still Hugging”) by superluckyqi

by Rakka   Tags: lyrics chinese-pop

《风停了雨停了我们还拥抱着》 (“The Wind And Rain Have Stopped, And We’re Still Hugging”) Artist: superluckyqi YouTube

verse 1: 淡香的贝壳 唇边的余热 A pale shell and the warmth left by your lips 书桌的暗格 藏着你的相册 The dark corner of your desk hides a photo album 白天是暖暖的 夜里是静静的 The days are warm and the nights are calm 昨天的害羞 全都在梦里了 Yesterday’s shyness is all a dream 蓝天偷偷笑着 阳光也躲着 The blue sky laughs to herself and the sunlight hides from us 把信件对折 期待着下课 Folding a letter, waiting for class to end 在后座抱着你骑着单车 Holding you from behind while you pedal the bicycle 一路上数着心的脉搏 Counting my heartbeats as we go down the road 而你却就快要远行呢 But although you’re about to go far away 故事的尾声正接近着 And the ending of our story is approaching 我不愿离开 追赶着列车 I won’t leave you, I’ll chase after the train 你却在背后偷偷抱我 But you’re sneakily hugging me from behind

chorus: 风停了 雨停了 我们还拥抱着 The wind has stopped, the rain has stopped, and we’re still hugging 粉红的 纯白的 彩虹色的木盒 A pink, pure white, rainbow-colored wooden box 心形的雕刻 你亲手做的 A heart-shaped carving made by your hands 城市在奏着你和我的恋歌 The whole city is filled with our love song 风停了 雨停了 我们还亲吻着 The wind has stopped, the rain has stopped, and we’re still kissing 甜甜的 黏黏的 心跳声会记得 Sweet, sticky, I’ll remember the sound of my heartbeat 才一生相伴 你说怎么够呢 A whole life together, you ask how could it be enough? 就算来世忘了 终会相遇的 Even if we forget in the next life, we’ll find each other in the end

verse 1 repeats

chorus repeats

终会相遇的 We’ll find each other in the end 终会相遇的… We’ll find each other in the end

chorus repeats

chorus repeats in a different key